Bank Bank BANG
1. 我問過ChatGPT,矽谷銀行(SVB)事會點發展,How does SVB incident affect US Treasury Yield?其答如下:
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bancshares (SVB) could potentially have an impact on US Treasury yields, although the precise effect would depend on a variety of factors.
One possible effect is that a collapse of SVB could lead to increased uncertainty and risk aversion in the financial markets. This could cause investors to seek out safe-haven assets, such as US Treasury bonds, which could drive up demand for these securities and push their yields lower.
On the other hand, if the collapse of SVB were to lead to broader financial instability or a loss of confidence in the US financial system, it could cause investors to demand higher yields to compensate for the increased risk. This could result in higher US Treasury yields.
Overall, the impact of a collapse of SVB on US Treasury yields would depend on a variety of factors, including the severity of the collapse, the response of regulatory bodies and other financial institutions, and broader economic and market conditions at the time.
2. 美國監管當局FDIC(Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.)圖快刀斬亂麻,把矽谷銀行快快賣出。一如英國的矽谷分行,由匯豐(00005)買了,英國當局就放下心頭大石,因為之後的問題是滙豐的。但美國矽谷銀行就不一樣了。
3. 昨日3月16日,美國踏入了個禁止公司回購期,圖三詳列了個發展途徑。由3月16日至3月26日,有約40%的美上市公司進入個禁止公司回購期,估計要到4月28日才止。此即在這段期間,美股將少了公司回購這枝大水喉,美股如有下調壓力,是可以……
花旗的Matt King如是估:
「Spring optimism was notably greater in markets than in the real economy and was founded on a $1tn injection of liquidity by central banks, which seems already to be reversing. With investors now being reminded of the risks associated with deposits, money markets and RRP look more alluring than ever. Additional rate hikes will make them only more so. Add in the collapse in money growth and declining productivity, and talk of higher r* seems premature. As they say in Japan, the blossoms of spring are all the more precious because they bloom so briefly。」 (CITI)
通脹仍未壓下 加息仍會繼續
4. 危機一起,錢走去邊?巴克萊銀行衍生工具部出了個圖,他們將美國2年期國債、金、日圓的波動全併在一張圖內,找到這些資產的3天平均價達到三個標準差,是自1976年,是,是自1976年來最高的(圖四),留意1979年是伏爾克的大加息期,這個指標是近-15%,跟今時走向南轅北轍。為甚麼?遲些才分析。
5. JP Morgan做過調查,在目前你會增持股票嗎?結果見圖五,無乜興趣喎。
6. 這一兩天,美股交易量龐大,但就無乜錢到,即是乾炒,這是由高盛的Scott Rubner(外號King of Flow,即專看資金流向的),他指出,標普500小型期貨的錢量只200萬美元左右,是自2020年3月30日以來最低(圖六)。
7. 債市仍波動。
8. 市場十分關注歐美加息後向,歐洲的加息預期已大幅回下(圖八),昨晚歐洲議息,結果今天大家知。美國如何?敢大加息?No la。
9. 不過歐美央行秉承革命尚未成功,同志仍須努力,即是遏通脹尚未成功,加息仍要持續。估計在Bank Bank BANG塵埃落定後,他們又會再提加息(圖九)。
加息、QT會收緊銀根,歷史話,銀根鬆,全球股市的PE升;但如銀根緊,全球股市的PE會降,即是股價跌。圖十說明這點,要留意製作此圖者是瑞信Credit Suisse,它近日股價的走勢,充分說明,這個研究是正確的。
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