70 年代,英美兩國開始提倡使用平易英語 plain English。
然而過了40 多年,不少朋友仍抱傳統的謬誤,以為人生事事也是越長越好,又以為句子寫得長,便能給人留下「本人甚有文采、懂用結構複雜句子」的印象,於是拼命狂用冗長又帶官腔色彩的字詞。
每次見到 Due to the fact that 這個用語時,我總會翻翻眼,心想:朋友,可否放本人一馬,精簡一點、盡快入題?
無論是 Due to the fact that、Because of the fact that 、抑或是 Owing to the fact that ,它們同樣都是「因為」的意思。既然如此,又為何不直接了當地用 because 呢?
例如,I am overloaded because (due to the fact that ) my boss is on vacation . Overloaded,在此解作「工作負荷過多」。
同樣,有因果關係的 As a consequence of ,亦可簡單地用 because 來取代。例如 In the last two years, the mortgage rates have been adjusted four times because of (as a consequence of ) the constant change in interest rates.
要選最無謂又長氣的冗長句,便不能不提 I am of the opinion that 。不知何解,喜歡用 I am of the opinion that 的朋友,往往都有一種自覺高人一等的氣焰。
閣下發表意見,當然就是…嗯哼…閣下的高見,用 I am of the opinion that ,除了扮嘢之外,可謂一無是處。
簡單地用 I think 豈不更直接了當?例如, I think (I am of the opinion that) if more government subsidies are available, our educational system can be greatly improved.
例如,不少人會用 prior 表示「之前」、to subsequent to 表示「之後」;改用 before 或 after 就簡單直接不過 ,例如:Before (Prior to ) becoming the CEO, Smith was the vice president of the company. 及 The announcement was made after (subsequent to ) the annual general meeting.
下次聽到人用 with respect to 時,煩請留意這位朋友是否是政客、律師、或是喜歡扮政客或律師?
無論閣下是否屬於上述人士,要避免被指為「患專業病」或「扮專業」,平白一點,根據情況用 about 或 on ,就簡潔得多了,例如:Warnings were issued about (with respect to) the ever-increasing stock prices.
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