長句子的特別注意事項 (1)
首先,得了解如何組成長句子。字詞(word)組成短語(phrase),短語組成子句(clause),子句再組成句子(sentence)。最簡單的句子可以只有一字,例如,Sit! 短句只有一個子句,The meeting is scheduled at noon tomorrow. Chris will send you the report today as early as possible. 長句則由兩個甚至三、四個子句組成,例如將前面兩句短句合拼起來變成:Since the meeting is scheduled at noon tomorrow, Chris will certainly send you the report today as early as possible.
由此可見,說寫長句子難,其實亦不過是將子句拼起來,又或加上短語、加上形容詞和副詞等等。Chris will send you the report是最主要的部分。要說明何時,加個today。因為the meeting is scheduled at noon tomorrow,又強調certainly和as soon as possible。
清晰 (Clear)
例如,The auction can be a part of the annual dinner program contributing to the charitable cause, so it can raise funds for the poor. 這句子並不清晰,是auction幫助籌款,還是annual dinner?代名詞(pronoun)it指auction,還是annual dinner?必須留意補充資料contributing to the charitable cause可伸延的參考範圍(scope of reference)。一般來說,補充資料放得愈近形容的事物,愈清晰。若果是重點,就不要當作補充資料。因此,這句可以改為The auction can contribute to the charitable cause of the annual dinner which aims to raise funds for the poor.
除了scope of reference和pronoun,商務通訊另一常見的問題是過度使用prepositional strings,例如,the proposal for the construction project of a new shopping mall of the ABC Company。介詞短語(prepositional phrase)一個接一個,由小介詞for和多個of串在一起,到底哪個介詞配哪個名詞﹖重重疊疊,非常混亂。可將介詞短語用形容詞代替,例如這樣改:the construction proposal for ABC Company’s new shopping mall. 建議不要連續用多過兩個介詞短語。
句子愈長,愈要重視句子各部分的關係是否清晰。下星期會繼續談談兩個寫長句子的重點—— 簡潔(Concise)和平衡(Parallel)。
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