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  • Oxford 爸媽

    Oxford 爸媽

    Oxford爸媽的三名子女均學成于英國牛津大學。次子更以本科首名(Top First)畢業,其後獲獎學金往英國劍橋大學修畢碩士課程。Oxford爸媽多次獲港澳公私營機構,大、中、小學及幼稚園邀請主持講座,與各界人士分享教導子女成才的方法經驗。此外,主流報章及香港電臺亦曾探討他們成功培育子女的心得。






























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  • superherodad發表於 2012-3-10 04:29 AM
  • #24
  • Children start school usually at 3 or 4 years old.

    Just an illustration: say Peter is 3 and 11 months old and Mary is 3 years and 1 month old. Peter in theory would outperform Mary. Teachers would praise Peter more than Mary. Say there is a Math or English spelling competition, Peter will be chosen to represent the school while mary will not. Say Peter wins the first place prize. He will get more confidence while Mary is still just an audience.

    This carries to next year. Peter will be encouraged again by teachers. He will get the attention of teachers more. More resources and opportunities will be given to him. Mary is still just an onlooker.

    Next year, when they apply for 1st grade. Because Peter has won a lot of competitions, he is accepted to a good school. Mary to an average school.



    It doesn't start at age 6 or 7. But at 3 or 4, or the month children are born.

  • 引用 #22 totheend 發表於 2012-3-9 02:49 PM

    One thing I need to make it clear: it's true that "3 years and 11 months old toddler would outper ...
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  • superherodad發表於 2012-3-10 04:22 AM
  • #23
  • I am not so sure we can control the month when children are born. Of course, we can try. But at the end, we do not really have control.
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  • totheend發表於 2012-3-9 02:49 PM
  • #22
  • One thing I need to make it clear: it's true that "3 years and 11 months old toddler would outperform his 3 years and 1 month classmate", but------there's no big difference between a 6 years' old kid and the 7 year's one! if the kid can start his/her primary school from 6 years' old, why the parents want to keep him till 7 years' old?-----just for the reason of being "more mature"?
    This is the real meaning of "compound interest effect" I am talking about!

  • 引用 #19 superherodad 發表於 2012-3-9 01:38 PM

    你所說的是許多機會是one and done. These are outside factors; we do not have control. What the i ...
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  • totheend發表於 2012-3-9 02:38 PM
  • #21
  • Moreover, this is not for kidding------what we CAN control is the birthday of the kids! Since September is the beginning of new semester of school, parents who want to take the advantage of recruitment time can make love at the end of the carlender year and get the baby around next year's Sep. or Oct.
    Of course, if the parents don't care about the "timing", take your time and enjoy it! After all, life is so long......

  • 引用 #19 superherodad 發表於 2012-3-9 01:38 PM

    你所說的是許多機會是one and done. These are outside factors; we do not have control. What the i ...
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  • totheend發表於 2012-3-9 02:20 PM
  • #20
  • You got the point! It's actually the "compound interest" story!!
    Back to this article's two pair of parents, who have exactly opposite worries, if you could check their family backgrounds, I believe you can understand why they think this way.
    Furthermore, I would like to introduce you to visit two mainland bloggers' webs, (hope you can read Chinese), if you can REALLY understand what they are talking about, maybe you can understand what I am talking about here. But if you can't, It doesn't matter: you are still a happy Hongkonger who needn't to know the dark side of humanity which is resulted from ugly system.



  • 引用 #19 superherodad 發表於 2012-3-9 01:38 PM

    你所說的是許多機會是one and done. These are outside factors; we do not have control. What the i ...
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  • superherodad發表於 2012-3-9 01:38 PM
  • #19
  • 你所說的是許多機會是one and done. These are outside factors; we do not have control.

    What the issue here is: 3 years and 11 months old toddler would outperform his 3 years and 1 month classmate. This advantage will carry forward and can make a big difference down the road; just like compound interest, which starts small but can grow really fast.

  • 引用 #18 totheend 發表於 2012-3-9 10:40 AM

    此言差矣! I don't mean "we Chinese", especially Hongkongers (Hongkongers are exclusive). I mean ...
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  • totheend發表於 2012-3-9 10:40 AM
  • #18
  • 此言差矣!
    I don't mean "we Chinese", especially Hongkongers (Hongkongers are exclusive). I mean Mainland people. To them, many many many Opportunities are one-off, you miss once, you miss for ever! That's why everyone in mainland is always doing things in a hurry!
    This kind of mental nervousness is deep in mainlanders' heart-----只可意會, 不可言傳! 無以名之!

  • 引用 #17 superherodad 發表於 2012-3-8 12:44 PM

    You listed 4 examples. Basically, you are saying we Chinese need to do things as fast as possibl ...
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  • superherodad發表於 2012-3-8 12:44 PM
  • #17
  • You listed 4 examples. Basically, you are saying we Chinese need to do things as fast as possible, otherwise we will miss the opportunity.

    But you know what, there are new opportunities every month and every year. When one opportunity ends, there are 3 more new opportunities come up.

  • 引用 #6 totheend 發表於 2012-3-5 11:49 AM

    你知不知道為甚麼Chinese (or I may say mainland people )like to do things as quick as possible? ...
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  • davidpoey發表於 2012-3-6 11:45 PM
  • #16
  • 絕對正確。如果能力所限,就算你能比其他早些入學也好,早些學習也好,也未必叻過遲入學的人;學習、能力都是因人而異,勿過分強求,影響孩童的心智發展。這裏要多關注的是父母自己內心的虛榮心重於子女的快樂童年作心理輔導。

  • 引用 #3 scl 發表於 2012-3-5 07:21 AM

    出生月份真是一點關係也沒有,現在的家長思想真是奇怪,明顯是內在的能力不足才會如此計較,學習最重要是發 ...
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  • Swannie_84發表於 2012-3-6 11:26 PM
  • #15
  • 簡直是無謂的爭拗,子女出生的時間根本就是父母自己選擇的,如果要子女在某一個月份出世,何不自己將就,為甚麼要賴向他人呢!
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  • Mablefong發表於 2012-3-6 05:50 PM
  • #14
  • 其實與其著重年份月份,例不如多點時間作預備,令小孩有一個合適的成長環境,他能生活得開開心心我已經心滿意足了!
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  • ks388發表於 2012-3-6 11:28 AM
  • #13
  • 太太數年前問我是否享受學習,我回答小時因成績不好,從未有享受的感覺,她指分數與修讀到那個程度不是最重要的,重要在於能在過程中能感受到愉快,最好便是能獲得老師的認同,方法是多和老師互動交流.之後我於晚上修讀一課程,太太引導我早先備課才有空間和老師互動,跟著做了準備才上課,除了因此沒有以前跟不上的痛苦時,還因早有準備而得老師認同及肯定,常向我笑說:高材生,你不用那麼認真,連小小東西也做得如此精細,你的同學連開始不未討論好.終於在學習的途上最後一段,感受到太太所說的愉快及享受學習,真正比分數更重要,太太常說很多人也不曾享受學習,便生兒女,結果也不能引導孩子享受學習的快樂,其實對孩子不太好.
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  • ettnet發表於 2012-3-5 07:40 PM
  • #12
  • 子女越年輕入讀大學,也未必見得是好事,子女應該以自己的志趣為依歸,不應以滿足父母的期望而去學習,否則,受害也是自己的子女。
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  • ET發表於 2012-3-5 05:40 PM
  • #11
  • 催谷過度會變了偃苗助長。
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  • scl發表於 2012-3-5 03:00 PM
  • #10
  • 以另一例子看,如有病要做手術,醫生如做得多,卻是做錯,你可能因此性命不保,那刻一定明白醫生做對全部比做得多更重要.正如 911 時很多生還者都是因做對了才保存生命,而非做得多......如能多活用腦袋思考及分析問題,也必不用當難民,永遠跟隨群眾壓力而活!
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  • scl發表於 2012-3-5 02:50 PM
  • #9
  • 在此留意獲獎也如是,不是以量(沒全部回應,合心才回應),是以質,不是因早,是在於是否好及引起並鳴~
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  • scl發表於 2012-3-5 02:48 PM
  • #8
  • 以簡單例子解釋,做功課及考試的重點在於做對,不在於早做或做多,做得再早或多,只要方向是錯,再早及多也不及做對的人所得分數,作為家長也如是,做對此角色的本份一定比做得多為好,只是很少家長明白及實行.以難民心態去形容中國人,也真是悲哀....悲哀是中國人受不了群眾壓力....明顯是本身能力及信心不足.....如足夠是不會跟隨群眾走的.....以我的身活體驗,也並非趁早便是對,小是不愛去爭,不爭寵卻因此得寵,學習不是為求分數,只為求知而更得老師另眼相看,不主動去爭反是得到更多.
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  • totheend發表於 2012-3-5 11:56 AM
  • #7
  • 回覆 #5 superherodad

    那些歐美國家的人傾向於晚入學, 是因為他們人少物質豐富, 不用跟人爭, 而且政策的連續性很高, 不管哪個政黨上台, 有關民生的基本政策都不會有太大變化, 他們當然就可以他他條條過日子, 不會短視, 不會急喉喉, 可以按部就班執行自己的計畫.
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  • totheend發表於 2012-3-5 11:49 AM
  • #6
  • 你知不知道為甚麼Chinese (or I may say mainland people )like to do things as quick as possible?
    因為中國人社會的政策變化非常快, 不具備連續性, 後來者往往享受不到政策中的優惠, 特別是越完善的政策就對老百姓越不利, 這種例子比比皆是, 所以造成人們有一種難民心理, 做任何事都爭先恐後, 不然就會吃虧! 例如: 1.投資移民開始時650萬元就可以, 而且可以買樓; 但之後就加到1000萬, 且只能投資金融產品; 2. 雙非孕婦現在生孩子還可以拿到HKID, 可能明年就會受限, 試問雙非孕婦又如何不著急呢? 3. 十幾年前, 在上海買一套10萬元的房子可以把戶口遷入上海, 但執行了兩年就取消了, 這不是早做早得益嗎? 4. 大陸1989年考入大學的學生有國家補貼學費, 可是1990年開始就沒有了, 早一年上學的孩子可以為家長節省4年的學費呢!......還有很多很多, 包括加拿大的移民政策. 在在提醒人們, 做野要趁早!

  • 引用 #5 superherodad 發表於 2012-3-5 11:05 AM

    This is exactly what the New York best seller book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell talks about. In g ...
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  • superherodad發表於 2012-3-5 11:05 AM
  • #5
  • This is exactly what the New York best seller book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell talks about.

    In general, Americans and Westerners like to take their time with learning; so their children will choose to be the oldest in the classroom.

    On the other hand, Chinese are more practical; they like to do things as quick as possible. The children will choose to be the youngest in the classroom.

    Personally, I think foundation is very important. If you have a good foundation, you will be more likely to be successful. Therefore, I think it is better to just wait 11 months, and be the oldest in the classroom. Because you are 11 months older than your classmates, you are more likely to be the top of your class. You are more likely to be encouraged by teachers and develop a better interest in learning.
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