farewell email如何寫的漂亮?
Have a nice last day!
做人要「好嚟好去」,last day last得好好睇睇,相信是另一行為藝術的極致。一個漂亮的「再見」,絕對有助提升個人職場優勢,至少留下好印象,省靚個招牌,他日在求職申請表和CV上,「推薦人」一欄就有著落。
除了請食「散水餅」之外,Last day最得體又實際的,就是給全公司發一封farewell email。以下一些建議,執執字粒就是一封八面玲瓏的信了︰
- Thank You and Goodbye
- Goodbye to Me
- Keep in Touch!
- To everyone that knows me,
- Hello all,
- Hi all,
- Hi Everyone,
- 純粹交代版
It will be my last day at the company today. Thanks for the good times.
- 設宴款客版
Just a short one to say goodbye. I will be at (location) after work, let me know if you want to come celebrate my "escape". Hope to see you all soon.
- 感情摯深版
Sad to tell you that I am leaving the company today. And I wish to thank you for your support over the past x years. It was rewarding to have known you all.
I enjoyed being part of the team and I wish you all the very best in the future.
- 輕鬆隨意版
As most of you already know that it is my last day with the company today. Thank you for helping me out & making my time here so much fun.
Take care and best wishes for the future!
- My personal e-mail is (email address), stay in touch!
- If anyone wants to keep in contact, please feel free to reach me at (email address) or on facebook.
- If you feel like catching up, don't hesitate to drop me a line at (email address).
Best regards,
- 忌惡言相向
- 忌小家子氣玩挖苦
- 忌苦澀澀、酸溜溜
- 宜輕鬆、幽默、正向
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