
2024-11-25 23:24

Sino Jet Honored the World's First "World's Leading Business Aviation Company"

HONG KONG, Nov. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On November 24, 2024, at the prestigious ceremony of the World Travel Awards (WTA) in Portugal, Sino Jet was honored with the inaugural title of the "World's Leading Business Aviation Company." This accolade signifies the first instance of the WTA bestowing this award, recognizing Sino Jet's exceptional service quality, steadfast commitment to innovation, and substantial contributions to the business aviation sector. Having previously held the title of the "World's Leading Business Aviation Company" for four consecutive years, this latest recognition solidifies Sino Jet's position as a pioneering force within the industry.

The WTA is a globally respected organization that recognizes excellence in the travel and service industries. Its awards are based on a comprehensive set of criteria, including service quality, business performance, product innovation, employee development, corporate social responsibility, and adherence to sustainable practices. Sino Jet's consistent success in these awards over the years is a testament to the value it creates for its clients, employees, partners, and the broader community. This not only drives the growth of the industry but also has a lasting positive impact on society.

Forging a Trusted Choice in Business Aviation through Exceptional Safety and Service

As a leading integrated business aviation company, Sino Jet is committed to fulfilling the private jet travel needs of their clients through a comprehensive, end-to-end service offering. Our services span the entire spectrum of business aviation, including aircraft purchase consultation, aircraft management, charter services, aviation ground support, luxury bespoke travel, and private jet terminal operations. With operational bases in over 20 cities across China, Singapore, Europe, and North America, Sino Jet is well-positioned to provide unparalleled and efficient business aviation solutions to global clients.

Safety is at the core of Sino Jet's business development. The company holds maintenance and operational licenses for major aircraft registries worldwide, allowing it to offer high-level maintenance services for aircraft manufactured by leading companies such as Gulfstream, Bombardier, and Dassault. By implementing a comprehensive digital management system that oversees the entire aircraft operation process, Sino Jet consistently elevates its safety standards and operational efficiency. This ensures that aircraft assets are preserved and maintained at their highest value. Thanks to its extensive qualifications and significant technological investments, Sino Jet has been recognized with the highest safety rating certification and long-term safety operation certification for international business aviation standards for several consecutive years.

Sino Jet stands out in the industry with its unparalleled safety standards and exceptional service quality, establishing itself as a trusted and respected brand in the business aviation industry. This reputation for excellence has consistently earned the trust and admiration of clients. As a result, Sino Jet's fleet size has been the largest in the Asia-Pacific region for several consecutive years.

Embracing Sustainability for a Century of Excellence in Business Aviation

At Sino Jet, employees are considered the company's most valuable asset, and the organization is committed to a "people-oriented". The company fosters a work environment that is both harmonious and efficient, guided by core values of "Trustworthy, Integrity, Detail-oriented, and Upholding righteousness". By providing diverse growth opportunities and platforms for development, Sino Jet empowers its employees to reach their full potential and inspire their creativity. Until now, over 50% of Sino Jet employees has been recognized with the company's five-year long service award, underscoring the strong sense of unity and dedication within the team. This cohesion and commitment are the driving forces behind Sino Jet's sustained and efficient growth.

In the future, Sino Jet has set its sights on "Green Aviation" as its long-term strategic focus. The company is proactively working with industry partners to develop a green supply chain and has published carbon emissions reports for three consecutive years. These actions highlight Sino Jet's commitment to transparency and responsibility. Furthermore, the company is investing in new energy aircraft with a forward-looking perspective, leading the charge in transforming business aviation towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. This dedication not only provides a powerful driving force but also lays a solid foundation for the industry's sustainable development.

While achieving commercial success, Sino Jet remains dedicated to making a positive impact on society and actively engages in public welfare initiatives. The company consistently supports rural revitalization and the preservation of China's intangible cultural heritage. Additionally, Sino Jet collaborates closely with the China Organ Transplantation Development Foundation, enhancing public welfare through various activities such as establishing volunteer teams, fundraising, and joint promotional campaigns. This commitment to social responsibility, which goes beyond mere commercial interests, reflects Sino Jet's core values and has garnered the company widespread acclaim and recognition on the global stage.

The WTA President Graham E. Cooke has offered high praise to Sino Jet for winning the world's first "World's Leading Business Aviation Company" award, stating: "Sino Jet has not only gained widespread market recognition for its outstanding safety standards and unmatched service quality, but it has also established a benchmark for the entire industry through its commitment to sustainability and proactive actions."

Sino Jet responded by saying that this honor is both a recognition of its achievements and a commitment to the future. The company will continue to enhance its capabilities and service standards to ensure that every client receives even higher quality and more personalized service. Simultaneously, Sino Jet will deepen its collaboration and exchanges with international partners to drive the growth and development of the global business aviation market. Moreover, the company is committed to contributing further to the industry's sustainable development, actively fulfilling its social responsibilities, and striving to become not just a great company, but one that has a significant and lasting impact.

For queries please contact:
Sino Jet Marketing Department
Telephone: (+852) 2588 7007 / (+86 10) 8416 2637
Email: marketing@sinojet.org / marketing@sinojet.org.cn
Website:  http://www.sinojet.org/

source: Sino Jet

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